A Unified Approach to Health for Adults, Children and Animals

Energy Medicine

Classical Homeopathy is based on the belief that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's defence mechanism with substances carefully selected for their energy-giving properties.

Disease and the body's defence mechanism originate on the dynamic plane, and homoeopathic medicine directs itself to this plane, aiming to change the imbalance in the body's energy levels which lies at the root of disease.

Founded over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, Classical Homoeopathy is a scientific approach to the treatment of illness. It promulgates the Law of Similars, the idea that "likes cure likes." According to this doctrine, a substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person, likewise cures those same symptoms in a sick one. In order to do this, Classical Homoeopathy matches the symptom picture produced by an ill patient to the symptom picture of a homoeopathic remedy that has been determined through controlled and extensive "provings: on healthy human subjects.

The approach of homoeopathy, therefore, is contrary to that of "allopathic" or conventional modern medicine which works through opposites and suppresses symptoms.

Contrary in another way to modern medicine, Classical Homoeopathy does not diagnose these outward or presenting symptoms as the actual disease but sees symptoms as the attempt of the body's vital force or guiding energy to make its imbalance known.

In a healthy person the vital force maintains normal growth and coordination of all organic functions. If this force is disturbed by things such as injuries, exposure, climatic conditions, violent emotions, dietary indiscretions, etc., the organism becomes unbalanced and sickness or disharmony of function results. This disharmony is manifested through symptoms which are simply deviations from the normal.

The Classical Homoeopath interprets the "totality" of these symptoms which is the physical, emotional/psychic and mental/spiritual symptoms of an individual taken together and selects the remedy most similar to the imbalance in order to address and cure the underlying cause.

Classical Homoeopathy follows the law of the single remedy, i.e. one remedy prescribed at any given time. It differs in this respect from the Pluralist Homoeopathic system which prescribes a combination of remedies, thereby losing the purity and scientific base of the original teachings of Samuel Hahnemann.

Hahnemann found that a very small dose of a remedy prescribed according to the Law of Similars produced better results than larger doses and that, in fact, larger doses aggravated the sickness. He discovered that incredibly small doses are sufficient for curative purposes. Homoeopathic remedies are, therefore, highly-diluted (and accordingly, non-toxic) substances meticulously prepared according to the guidelines set out in Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine.

Classical Homoeopathy does not conflict with surgery, physical or manual therapy or suggestion. However, homoeopathic prescribing is supreme in the field of medicine. Homoeopathy does not correct mechanical conditions, but can assist other forms of treatment used to address these problems.

Be prepared to answer numerous questions during your homoeopathic consultation. Your homoeopath will be interested in knowing everything about your immediate condition, as well as your likes and dislikes with respect to food, weather, etc. He or she will also ask about your fears, emotions, personality and idiosyncrasies and the factors and conditions that make you feel better or worse.

The initial consultation in Classical Homoeopathy takes approximately 1 ½ hours. Follow-up appointments are scheduled 4 - 6 weeks apart and are usually 30 minutes to one hour long.

Choose your Classical Homoeopath carefully. Classical Homoeopathy is pure science. Your Classical Homoeopath should be thoroughly trained and practice homoeopathy exclusively. Remember Classical Homoeopathy is a specialised form of treatment.

Barbara Etcovitch is a writer, lecturer and Classical Homoeopath. She provides consultations to patients in Ottawa, Orleans, Montreal and Toronto and can be reached at (613) 248-9885 or (514) 361-9186 or (416) 631-5986.

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 01 January, 2000.

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