Homeopathy and the Chakras
Human beings are complex "energetic" organisms whose
existence is maintained by a system of chakras fed by subtle prana
which reflects the gross prana of the universe. When this system
is in harmony we experience mental. emotional and physical freedom,
the definition of a healthy being. When one or more chakras become
imbalanced for a determined period of time , we experience periods
of acute dis-ease. If the imbalances are not addressed what may
start as acute illness may progress to become chronic states of
Given that we are dealing with a highly sophisicated kind of energy
which lies behind the physical form, it stands to reason that
the therapy required to address any imbalance in the system must
be an energetic or "vibrational" one. At AS ABOVE ~
SO BELOW we have come to the conclusion that the system of medicine
required to correct imbalances in the chakra system is one which
was founded in the mid 1800's by a German physician named, Samuel
This brillant system of medicine known as Classical Homeopathy
addresses energetic imbalances by providing sublte vibrational
energy through potentized substances called homeopathic remedies.
These substances when correctly chosen by a trained, skilled homeopath,
provide a frequency of energy that is similar to the frequency
of the energetic imbalance . The homeopathic remedies carry encoded
messages that are able to break the code of the chakra imbalance
by " resonating" with it . What is exchanged between
the ill person and the remedy is subtle/energetic bioinformation,
not only a quantity of energy . This information triggers a healing
response by stimulating the body's imbalanced energies to correct
Every substance from which a homeopathic remedy is created can
be seen as possessing characteristics of one or more of the seven
planets of the external kalachakra, further explaining why the
remedies can so effectively influence the internal kalachakra
of the human body.
Classical homeopathy must be prescribed by a skilled and well
trained homeopath. There are a few who integrate the chakra theory
into their practice. For a reference to a competent homeopath
who also works with the chakra system , please contact us at
Spagyric refers to a method of creating powerful medicinal preparations
from plants by separating their valuable parts from that which
is impure, purifying those parts and and then recombining them.
The "opening" of the raw material by this method creates
a completely purified, natural substance which is easily broken
down by the body's vital energies. In this manner, the organism's
energies are not wasted on breaking down a less easily assimilated
Spagyric processing is based on performing two fundamental alchemic
operations and its beginning is attributed to Paracelsus, the
great 16th. century healer who coined the term "spagyric"
by combining the two Greek words "span" ( separate)
and "ageirein" ( unify).
Ancient alchemists closely observed the workings of Nature and
applied this knowledge to the creation of medicinal substances.
The spagyric process is a continuation of the growth cycle of
the plant as it began in the world of Nature. Accordingly, all
processing takes place within the natural rhythm, on specific
days and times according to the archetypal planetary rulership
of the particular plant .During the spagyric process care is
taken to protect all the subtle attributes of the plant's being
in order that the true healing intelligence of the substance
be fully maintained.
Due to the alchemic origins and the close association of spagyric
tinctures, essences and magisteries with the planets that govern
each plant, AS ABOVE ~ SO BELOW recommends spagyrics as a complementary
therapy .Their correct prescription should be provided by a
master herbalist , alchemist or homeopath. For a referral, contact
and/or check our books and products section for additional information.
For those who cannot move to areas where the level of prana
is sufficient for a healthy existence, ionizers which can elevate
the concentration of negative ions in the environment are a
solution. For information on how you can purchase an ionizer,
contact us at
or consult the products section on this site.
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system without written permission from the authors.