Interfaith. Peace.
Healing. Soul. Spirituality.
A peaceful existence is based on an individual's respect, love and
understanding of him/herself, and on the respect, love and understanding
of all others. Those who live peacefully empower themselves and
others and adhere to the commandment "thou shalt not kill" on all
levels - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. To live a peaceful
and balanced existence, one draws energy from the Divine Source
instead of robbing energy from others.
A peaceful soul is obtained by bringing into balance the opposing
forces within; by exploring and refining ones human possibilities;
by experiencing oneself in relation to others; by finding ones own
means of communicating with the Divine Source.
To enhance peace on a personal, interpersonal and global level,
the interfaith Ministry at As Above~ So Below provides the basis
for living a peaceful and joyous existence by:
One. Teaching that there is unity and beauty
in diversity;
Two. By providing counselling for those who have
deviated from a spiritual path;
Three. By encouraging a form of medicine which
affirms the sanctity of the human body, recognizing that it is
the "temple of the soul;" and
Four. By providing a welcoming and safe venue
for peoples of all cultures, races and faiths to celebrate their
uniqueness and sameness in creative, interfaith ceremonies for
all stages of life.
The Ministry at As Above ~ So Below was also created to educate
seekers by providing information on our macro/microcosmic connection.
We have been researching our divine place in the universe for many,
many years through a study of the scriptures, Kabbalah, Vedic and
Western astrology, numerology and other esoteric means that guide
our path Home. Our aim is to educate all seekers as they move along
their path towards enlightenment.
The Lotus Medical Astrology Charts are the first in the series of
educational and information vehicles that explain and confirm our
connection to the universe. By describing the inherited, current
and future paths of an individual's health, these charts offer invaluable
insights that can keep one spiritually, psychically, and physically
Together we shall seek and together we shall find.
All rights reserved. No part of the information contained on the
AS ABOVE ~ SO BELOW website may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval
system without written permission from the authors.