Your pain is the breaking of the
shell that encloses your understanding.
Kahlil Gibran.
Classical Homeopathy is God's medicine. In its most profound sense, Classical
Homeopathy expounds the belief that we are energetic beings who
have " fallen" into illness and that illnesses are merely
indications that we are physically, emotionally, mentally and
spiritually off a balanced path. The goal of homeopathy is to
restore this balance by tapping into the God-like "vital
force" or vital energy that lies behind all existence.
Homeopathy affirms that there is a substance on this planet
located in the plant, mineral or animal world, etc. that has
the capacity to - when reverted to its "energetic"
or divine, primal form, i.e. potentized - heal an individual's
dis-ease. When a homeopathic remedy that matches the essence
of the disruption in a person is given, it acts as a stimulus
or catalyst and causes the vital force to correct its energetic
imbalance. Once balanced, the void or illness is satisfied and
the patient not only returns to health but also experiences
some degree of transformation.
Homeopathy peels off layers of imbalance until the patient
re-balances on his/her deepest level. It returns man step by
step to his primal state as it peels away the mundane, material
residues which manifest themselves as the dis-eases that plague
his existence, preventing him from experiencing his God-like
The body is the "Temple of the Soul" and necessitates
a form of healing that respects the home of the Divine Essence.
Conventional medicine's crude drugs, suppressive approach and
treatment of the material, non-energetic body runs contrary
to the sanctity of this temple and is an affront to the soul.
The suppression of illness in an individual eventually leads
to suppression of the illness in a larger population. Suppression
ultimately results in violence of some sort - violence in the
body, in the mind and in the emotions and potentially in the
For additional information and articles on Classical Homeopathy,
please click on the following link. www.canadahomeopath.org.
Appointments can be made by calling (613) 248-9885
For additional information contact us at info@asabovesobelow.org
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